Nuevo record de la energía eólica

Energy demand

La demanda de energía en la península en el mes de noviembre del año pasado se estimó en 19.834 GWh, un 0,2% superior a la registrada en el mismo mes del año anterior. Si se tienen en cuenta los  efectos del calendario y las temperaturas, la demanda peninsular de energía eléctrica creció un 1,3% con respecto al noviembre del 2014. En los once primeros meses del año, la demanda de energía eléctrica se estima en 226.992 GWh, un 2,1% más que en el mismo periodo del 2014. Una vez corregida la influencia del calendario y las temperaturas, la demanda de energía eléctrica es un 1,4% superior a la  registrada en el año anterior. Con datos provisionales a día 30, la producción de origen eólico […]

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Sure you have noticed that if, for example, you enter Amazon and you look at a specific product and discard it, then it does not stop appearing as an ad on every page you visit. It seems to chase after you to remind you that you were looking at it and did not buy it. That’s remarketing. WHAT IS REMARKETING Remarketing is a form of online advertising that is part of Google Adwords and is based on taking advantage of the browsing data of a user who has visited our website. If such user has shown any interest in any of our products or services but has not made any conversion, remarketing will attract you again by advertising for that […]

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According to the Theory of Communication, digital communication is one that transmits information through symbols. In recent years, more than 80% of communication has gone digital. We still keep coming letters and brochures, even some conventional phones are used. But even in these cases, most of the process is already digital. First the computer science and after Internet have spread, spread and, in a way, imposed, a format with which we can communicate of faster and comfortable form: the digital communication.   ANALOGUE HAS BEEN CONVERTED IN DIGITAL Digital communication is a phenomenon that has hit very hard in our daily lives. It has emerged as an inevitable consequence of the new technologies that are introduced in a vertiginous and […]

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Según la Teoría de la Comunicación, la comunicación digital es aquella que transmite la información a través de símbolos. En los últimos años, más de un 80% de la comunicación ha pasado a ser digital. Aún nos siguen llegando cartas y folletos, aún se usan algunos teléfonos convencionales. Pero incluso en estos casos, la mayor parte del proceso es ya digital. Primero la informática y después Internet han divulgado, extendido y, en cierta manera, impuesto, un formato con el que nos podemos comunicar de forma más rápida y cómoda: la comunicación digital. LO ANALÓGICO SE HA CONVERTIDO EN DIGITAL La comunicación digital es un fenómeno que ha calado muy fuerte en nuestra vida cotidiana. Ha surgido como consecuencia inevitable de […]

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Seguro que te has fijado que si, por ejemplo, entras en Amazon y te fijas en un producto en concreto y lo descartas, luego no deja de aparecer como anuncio en todas las páginas que visitas. Parece que te persiga para recordarte que lo estuviste mirando y no lo compraste. Eso es el remarketing. QUÉ ES EL REMARKETING El remarketing es una forma de publicidad online que forma parte de Google Adwords y que se basa en aprovechar  los datos de navegación de un usuario que ha visitado nuestra página web. Si dicho usuario ha mostrado algún interés en alguno de nuestros productos o servicios pero no ha llegado a realizar ninguna conversión, mediante el remarketing lo atraeremos de nuevo […]

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La previsión eólica en España

wind forecasting

En estos últimos años, la energía eólica ha sido la tecnología energética de más rápido crecimiento. En el caso de España, es la segunda tecnología que más potencia instalada posee, cubriendo el 16,4% de la demanda eléctrica. Así mismo, se ha consolidado como la tercera tecnología que más aporta al sistema tras los ciclos combinados y la nuclear. En el año 2010 se instalaron 1.516 MW eólicos, con una potencia que eleva el total acumulado en el territorio nacional a 20.676 MW, confirmando a España como la cuarta potencia eólica mundial. Sin embargo, tal cantidad de capacidad eólica instalada puede tener efectos negativos sobre el sistema eléctrico, y que pueden agravarse a medida que aumente el grado de penetración de estos sistemas en la red nacional. El principal […]

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We use multiple regression when we study the possible relationship between several independent variables and one dependent variable. For example, we can study human intelligence taking the IQ as the response variable and it is possible that we believe may be related to other variables such as brain size, the size of the person and sex. We could add to the study as independent variables. A multiple regression model could offer a response such as: IQ = 80 + 0.02 + 0.15 Size brain volume – 0.8 Sex, where the sex variable is a dichotomous or indicator variable coded as 0 for women and 1 for men. To interpret such a model must be very cautious. Multiple regression models inform […]

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The forecast for Box-Jenkins methodology part of the fact that the time series is predicted is generated by a stochastic process whose nature can be characterized by a model. To make such an estimate requires a monthly or quarterly time series that has a large number of observations. And the forecast for Box-Jenkins methodology involves finding a mathematical model that represents the mathematical behavior of the time series data, allowing setting forecasting only by entering the corresponding time period. The forecast for Box-Jenkins methodology provides predictions without the existence of any precondition, besides being parsimonious with respect to the coefficients. On the other hand, once you found the model can be made immediately predictions and comparisons between actual data and […]

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When you start a project on the internet, what you expect is that your future «clients» know you or find you as soon as possible. For this, it is important that you get a good position in the search engines. And that will only get you through SEO. Well, you ask yourself, what is SEO? They are the initials of Search Enginer Optimazition. That is, SEO encompasses all the marketing strategies that help us improve the positioning of our website. And not only that. If not it also helps us to get more traffic and more visibility. It will seem a bit exaggerated, but once you have created your page, SEO is everything. Of course there are many strategies that […]

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Various methods classified according to time-scales or methodology, are available for wind energy forecasting. Actually, classification of wind energy forecasting approaches in terms of time-scale is unclear. However, making reference to a great deal of studies in this field, wind forecasting can be separated based on the prediction horizon into three categories: Immediate-short-term (8hours-ahead) forecasting, Short-term (day-ahead) forecasting, Long-term (multiple-days-ahead) forecasting. Moreover, as shown in Table 1, applications of specific time horizon in electricity systems are consequential different. Wind energy forecasting schemes can also be classified based on their methodology into two categories: Physical approach (deterministic approach). Physical method or deterministic method is based on lower atmosphere or numerical weather prediction (NWP) using weather forecast data like temperature, pressure, surface […]

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