A fiber boat does not enjoy the same appeal as a sailboat built with other materials such as steel, aluminum or, above all, wood. The fiber is a cold and bland material and the painting of the hull of a fiber boat is not the same as running your hand through a beautiful mahogany plank while you think what varnish you are going to apply. De todas formas, lo cierto es que es un material magnífico para la construcción de embarcaciones y gracias a él se ha popularizado al náutica. The fiber boat: history To be strictly rigorous, we should call the fiberglass reinforced fiberglass polyester or GRP, in short, plastic. Fiberglass or GRP began to be used in the […]

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Basic orthodontics: niti bows, stripping and brackets

Braces in orthodontic treatment

Orthodontics is a treatment to correct malocclusions in young or adult dentition, after growth. It plays a very important role from which other dental specialties may benefit from necessity or to complement other treatments. The demand for orthodontic treatment has increased greatly in recent years. It is increasingly common to see people of all ages with brackets without the slightest objection. This boom has meant improvements in the dental material for orthodontics, which in addition to the well-known brackets consists of more elements. Numerous and varied materials and devices are being marketed to facilitate the best possible treatment. Now you can find ceramic, aluminum or sapphire brackets, removable splints, micro screws, Niti arches of different alloys, Magic Strip … In […]

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In a boat, it is clear that the engine is the fundamental piece. It is vital to always have it in perfect working order. Our friends V de Bravado, are in charge of the engine revision so that everything is correct, but you can make your nautical engine have a longer life with good maintenance. That is why, in today’s article, V de Bravado, our boathouse in Barcelona, gives us some tips to keep the engine, check and revise it, perform good maintenance and prevent problems. Tips to maintain your nautical engine Watch out for alarm indicators Don’t ignore the dashboard indicators, because they can tell us about future problems. If the light indicators are of poor quality or of […]

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Makerbot 3d printers for classrooms

Some of the best personal 3D printers on the market are undoubtedly the Makerbot. These are faster and easier to use printers for professional quality models. Their effectiveness makes them suitable for many fields, and they are revealed as particularly useful in education. Desktop 3D printers can encourage students to solve real problems, stimulating creativity. Makerbot is aware of the challenge of providing 3D printer classrooms. That is why the American company founded in New York in 2009 has developed new solutions for educators. What they need is an aid to start previously planned lessons. For this, the MaketBot Educators Guide is focused to meet their specific needs, adding content to the resources. These include Thingiverse Education, the largest library, […]

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