If you would like to be able to automate your banking management while saving considerable time and effort, the Sage Banking Cloud is a solution. The need to manually punch in and collate bank statements for accounting can be reduced by up to 90% with the Sage Banking Cloud management module. With this Sage 200 cloud solution, it is no longer necessary to wait for bank statements by email or letter, or to process them manually from the bank’s website. The Sage 200 takes care of automating the entire process, including reconciliation and accounting. All of this is done without the need for bank connection errors. The Sage Banking Cloud is capable of connecting with more than 20 banks in […]

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Affiliate marketing is a form of online marketing by which a company sells its products or services through third parties (affiliates) in exchange for a commission.There are three parties involved in this process: The advertiser: It is the merchant, also called the creator or brand owner of the product or service. The affiliate: Also called a publisher or publisher. It is the person who, through her blog, YouTube channel or social networks, influences customers to buy the advertisers’ products. Affiliates can be bloggers, youtubers, influencers, or affiliate marketing companies. The user: The client or user is the one who acquires the product or service promoted by the affiliate. How Affiliate Marketing Works The dynamics of affiliate marketing is very simple. […]

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The computing universe is as infinite as it is fascinating, and one of its inhabitants are the algorithms. Much talked about lately due to Google’s algorithm. Algorithms are mathematical formulas that channel data into tangible results, something in which Google has special expertise, creator of one of the most complex algorithms today. The purpose of the Google algorithm is to position millions of websites in its search engine and reflecting the different organic results called SERP’s or in other words: the results that appear on the search page. The operation may seem complex at first glance but, and without detracting at all from Google’s excellent work, it can decrypt without problems. The professional experts in development of the SEO agency […]

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