The universe of 3D printing has reached its culminating technological point. It is now easier than ever to translate an idea into an object, and convert a prototype into a piece of final manufacturing.
3D printing technology, specifically the Jet Fusion 3D, is responsible for the production of functional parts can be faster and more efficient, also in color, and at a lower cost.
Thanks to HP Jet Fusion technology in 3D printing, it is possible that the properties of voxel parts are definitely transformed into voxel. This means opening horizons without limits as far as applications, color and materials are concerned.
Thanks to HP Jet Fusion technology in 3D printing, it is possible that the properties of voxel parts are definitely transformed into voxel. This means opening horizons without limits as far as applications, color and materials are concerned.
3D printing to speed up processes
HP technology has created the Jet Fusion 3D printers in two models: Jet Fusion 3D 580/380 and Jet Fusion 3D 540/340. The Jet Fusion 3D 580/380 prints in full color and I was able to configure up to 8 agents. The Jet Fusion 3D 540/340 prints in black, and allows the configuration of 4 agents.
The functional parts produced in full color are bright, highlighting their mechanical properties.
These Jet Fusion 3D printers promote design speed by having access to training and comprehensive assistance of the services that the solution also offers.
HP 3D printing materials result in high output quality, as well as high reusability of parts at low cost. HP Multi Jet Fusion technology tests the limits of creating functional parts, which means that the quality is higher and the cost less.
High reusability of HP 3D material
HP aims to expand its current range of materials, and for this it has created the open Multi Jet Fusion platform. It also has a network of partners that provide innovative materials, and intends to boost 3D printing in different sectors. This is backed by innovation and the new materials that are based on them.
Integral Innovation Experts is a very experienced Industry 4.0 company, which provides solutions that help companies achieve and maintain a competitive advantage in their products and services. They have several specialized subdivisions, and the Integral 3D Printing, one of them, distributes HP additive manufacturing systems, among others.
Además de impresión 3D y otros productos, asesoran en las mejores prácticas de uso y son centro de formación autorizado de PTC. Esto les permite capacitar técnicamente a las empresas para su desarrollo y óptimo desempeño.
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