The consulting firm IDC Research Spain has carried out a study that analyzes the impact of Covid-19 on the digital transformation of the company. This is a study carried out with the aim of addressing the different intensity with which the pandemic is affecting the market in the digital transformation sector, interviewing 130 CEOs and IT decision-makers.
IDC Research Spain has structured its report in four main areas:
- COVID-19 impact on business and billing processes
- COVID-19 Impact on IT Spending
- Remote work management
- Changes in the organization’s digital culture
In addition, particular emphasis has been placed on the revenue perspective for 2020, the effects on IT spending, the management and use of Smart Work policies and the change in the digital culture of organizations. As we can see, these are important items to assess the evolution of the company’s digital transformation.
The main conclusion of this research is summarized in that the impact of the Covid-19 will accelerate the digital transformation processes of companies, enabling them to react better and faster to changes in the environment. This is confirmed by the fact that 47% of the organizations surveyed have declared that they will maintain Smart Work policies in a return to normality.
Slowdown in Information Technology Spending
A second finding of this study is that IT spending is being reduced primarily by declining revenue, which is not going to prevent certain categories of spending from being positively driven.
In other words, the slowdown in spending has been accompanied by a redistribution of it in the different categories and industries. In the last two months we have been able to see different solutions, such as videoconferences and learning platforms, that have allowed companies to have business continuity, cushioning the effect that the pandemic has had on the economy and society in general.
The company has been able to reorganize internally
The state of alarm has caused most companies to adopt teleworking policies. In some cases, a certain policy was already available (and therefore the pandemic has reinforced the remote work processes of these organizations), or the need to guarantee business continuity in those industries in which it has been implemented has been implemented. This was possible, as 52% of the companies consulted recognize.
Good news regarding the digital transformation of the company: Smart working is here to stay
50% of the companies surveyed confirm that they will continue to maintain their work policies after the effects of Covid-19 wear off. In fact, most companies consider that Smart Working is here to stay, although its implementation will depend on the degree of maturity of the companies, the industry in which the company operates or according to roles and positions.
If you are interested in implementing digital transformation strategies in your company, do not hesitate to contact Sinapsis, specialized in digital transformation for companies.
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