With online shopping you can buy what they want, when and where they want. But if you are pending an international package shipping what youdon’t know is that it is a process that can be much complicated.
If sending your package has commercial value and comes from countries outside the European Union will be subject to the completion of customs formalities. Which means that there can be no tariff tax and a fixed rate. It is a complex process and it is best to get in the hands of a customs agency or a customs agent.
An agency or a customs agent customs clearance will solve your all problems arising in receipt of your package. They managed his office in a few hours, you will facilitate needed to dispatch your goods and handle all the necessary paperwork documentation.
As mentioned before, there is no fixed rate. The types of tariffs on imports into Spain depend on the goods, and typically range between 0% (books) and 17% (clothing and footwear). «Unless the applicant expressly indicates the tariff classification applicable to imported goods, which is a generic classification shall apply the following types: tariff, 2.5%; VAT 21%; IGIC, 7% (in the Canary Islands), «according to Customs information the website of the Tax Agency.
Although to start must take into account that if the package has a value less than 22 € not subject to Customs duties or taxes. If its value is between 22 € and 150 €, will be subject to specific taxes and customs charges. And if their value exceeds 150 € then yes that duties, taxes and customs charges apply specific.
The fees depend on the merchandise, ranging from 0% (books) and 17% (clothing and footwear).
The VAT for import of products in Spain is 21%, but in certain products reduced (10%) and super-reduced (4%) VAT applies. It is calculated on the value of the goods.
And you will have to add the amount you parcel copper company for the costs of managing all these procedures.
To calculate the cost of the tariff in each case, you must first determine the tariff heading. This data could be found by asking the supplier for the «HS Code» (you can also search of that item on the website of the European Union). Then you just have to enter that number on the website of the European Union, putting the country of origin of the goods and give the «Finding measures» button.