Energy demand

Energy demand in the peninsula in November was estimated at 19,834 GWh, 0.2% higher than in the same month last year. Taking into account calendar effects and temperatures, the peninsular electricity demand grew 1.3% compared to November 2014.

In the first eleven months of the year, energy demand is estimated at 226,992 GWh, 2.1% more than in the same period of 2014. After correcting the influence of timing and temperatures, demand for electricity is 1.4% higher than in the previous year.

With provisional data by day 30, the production of wind power has reached the 3,708 GWh in November, value 26.9% lower than in the same month last year, and assumed 18.9% of total production.

On November 21 a new maximum demand coverage by wind generation in the mainland electricity system, when at 4.50 hours, 70.4% of the demand was covered by this generation was achieved, exceeding the previous 2% , registered on December 25, 2013, at 2.56 pm, with 68.4% coverage.

In November, the generation from renewable energy sources represents 34.4% of production. 52.5% of electricity production for this month came from technologies that do not emit CO2.

Energy demand

REE said that according to data of the Electricity Control Centre (Cecoel) of the company, the wind generated 15,293 megawatts (MW) when it occurred record coverage. At that time, peninsular electricity demand amounted to 21,721 MW. Integrating all of these megawatt wind occurred smoothly in the electrical system. Wind was also generating technology that most contributed to the coverage of demand November 21, reaching 52.3% of the daily coverage.

Nuclear power has been so far this year, the main ingredient in diet electric Spain, with a contribution of 21.7%. However, thermal coal maintain a strong role, with 20% of generation. The price of fuels and particularly the rights to emit CO2 continues to lead the coal plants versus the combined cycle natural gas, in many cases without activity. Solar plants, which have higher pay per kilowatt produced, covering 5.4% of demand: 3.2% to 2.2% PV technology with thermal solar installations.

In short, the main source of generation in November was coal (23.4%), followed by nuclear (20.3%), wind (18.9%), cogeneration and other (11.4%), combined cycle (10.5%), hydro (9.4%), solar (3.9%) and thermal renewable (2.2%).

So far this year, the main source of generation is nuclear (21.7%), followed by coal (20%), wind (19.2%), hydro (11.4%), cogeneration and other (10.6%), combined cycle (9.8%), solar (5.4%) and thermal renewable (1.9%).