Do you have a retained customs package?

Today is very common to make purchases in foreign online stores. They have popularized many sites and smartphone apps as AliExpress or Wish that offer interesting products even more attractive prices. The problem is that sometimes we take too long to arrive and then we begin to ask ourselves our package will not be retained in customs? Well first you have to start by checking if we really have our shipment held in customs. And how we will check if we retained our customs package? Well the first thing you need is to have at hand the tracking number, delivery note or reference rate provided by the company that manages the transportation of our package. We enter that number on […]

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¿Tienes un paquete retenido en aduanas?

En la actualidad es muy habitual efectuar compras en tiendas online extranjeras. Se han popularizado muchas sitios y aplicaciones para smartphone como  AliExpress o Wish que ofertan productos interesantes a precios aún más interesantes. El problema es que a veces nos tardan mucho en llegar y entonces empezamos a preguntarnos ¿no estará nuestro paquete retenido en aduana? Pues primero hay que empezar por comprobar si realmente tenemos nuestro envío retenido en aduana. ¿Y cómo comprobaremos si tenemos nuestro paquete retenido en aduanas? Pues lo primero que necesitaremos es tener a mano el número de seguimiento, albarán o referencia facilitado por la empresa que gestiona el transporte de nuestro paquete. Ese número deberemos introducirlo en la página web del transportista. Aquí […]

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New England, a Forecast Model

In early 2012, ISO New England established the Energy-Efficiency Forecast Working Group (EEFWG), which is made up of utilities, regulators, and other stakeholders with expertise in energy demand forecasting programs, to assist the ISO in developing the annual forecast, including data collection, assumptions, and model parameters. The proof-of-concept process determined the types of data elements and level of granularity required to implement the energy demand forecasting model. The next step was to develop data specifications and data reporting tools for use by program administrators and state regulatory agencies. This resulted in the collection of multiyear, annualized data for each program administered by the region’s utilities. Specific metrics included achieved and committed annual and lifetime net energy savings in kilowatt-hours; demand […]

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IBM improves solar energy forecasting technology

The stigma about the solar energy forecasting is over. That old argument about solar energy being unreliable is getting weaker by the minute, and here comes IBM to knock the pins right out from under it. The company has come up with a Big Data approach to predicting the weather, and the result is a solar energy forecasting system that is up to 30% more accurate than the next-best conventional system. That’s huge news for utilities and other electrical system operators, because it helps them ensure a reliable supply of power while integrating more solar energy. Solar energy forecasting by a very thoughtful machine IBM Research revealed that solar and wind forecasts it is producing using machine learning and other […]

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After nearly a decade in which social agenda has marked the economic crisis, have triggered numerous bankruptcies in firms with consequent ERE (Employment Regulation File). This situation has resulted in companies have either closed or have reduced their staff, but in return have a tendency to invest in HR (Human Resources) and work spaces in order to increase the productivity of their workers. We can say that the market for applications and the technology market is developing at the service of productivity. Companies committed to the management of spaces: furniture adaptation to the needs and comforts of workers; and also generate an interactive space where employees can build, have their recreation area, and can reach a point of confluence of […]

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Después de casi una década en la que ha marcado la agenda social la crisis económica, se han desencadenado numerosas quiebras en las empresas con sus consecuentes EREs (Expediente de Regulación de Empleo). Esta situación ha resultado con que las empresas bien han cerrado o bien han reducido su personal, pero en compensación han tenido una tendencia a invertir en RRHH (Recursos Humanos) y en los espacios de trabajo en aras de incrementar la productividad de sus trabajadores. Podemos decir que el mercado de las aplicaciones y el mercado tecnológico se están desarrollando al servicio de la productividad. Las empresas apuestan por la gestión de los espacios: adaptación del mobiliario a las necesidades y comodidades de los trabajadores; y también […]

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¿El marketing digital ayuda a nuestro negocio?

El Marketing Digital está en auge Es un hecho que el Marketing Digital está en auge y es que si no estás presente en el mundo online, se podría decir que no existes. Es un canal que sirve tanto a pequeñas como a grandes empresas para dar impulso a su negocio. En la actualidad, todo se mueve en Internet, en un entorno digital. Y, parece inevitable, que la estrategia que más nos puede ayudar para llegar a nuevos clientes es, sin lugar a dudas, el Marketing Digital, no en vano está basado en todas las oportunidades que nos ofrece ese entorno. Veamos algunas de las razones que fundamentan este hecho: 1.- El Marketing Digital ofrece a las pequeñas empresas la […]

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Oil majors peddle false reassurance on energy demand

Ahead of BP’s annual energy outlook release, E3G’s Tom Burke argues the industry uses misleading metric to dismiss threat from clean sources Sheikh Yamani, a former Saudi oil minister, is famous for having pointed out that the Stone Age did not end because we ran out of stones. He was responding to a debate at the end of the last century about whether the world would run out of oil. It is a matter of energy demand. He went on to say something else, now forgotten. Speaking to the Daily Telegraph in 2000 he said: “Thirty years from now there will be a huge amount of oil – and no buyers. Oil will be left in the ground.” It remains […]

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The wind energy boom of 2006 in United States

With costs dropping below those of conventional sources, United States had in 2006 his opportunity to invest in renewables. The decline in the price of electricity generated from wind turbines greatly increased the demand for green energy. Wind energy forecasting will come true. When Austin Energy, the utility company of Austin, Texas, launched its GreenChoice program in 2000, the demand for green energy had to pay an extra rate. During the fall of 2005, soaring gasoline prices raised the costs of conventional electricity over the electricity generated by the wind, the source of most of green electricity. This crossing of lines of costs in Austin and other communities is a milestone in the United States to mark the shift to […]

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SAAS, soluciones en la previsión de energía

Avances en la capacidad de previsión de la demanda de energía. Por ley, todos los clientes residenciales de energía en España deben instalar un medidor inteligente en 2018. La conversión producirá grandes cantidades de utilidades de datos puede utilizar para mejorar la eficiencia energética. E.ON España, que suministra servicios de electricidad, gas y eficiencia energética a más de 650.000 clientes, ha elegido la tecnología de predicción del líder de Business Analytics de SAS para predecir la demanda a corto, mediano y energía a largo plazo para la toma de decisiones del mercado. Será un gran avance en el campo de las soluciones de previsión de energía. SAS Energía Forecasting cumplió todas las necesidades técnicas y funcionales de E.ON España, además de ser […]

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