Blog sobre negocios y emprededuría


Preparing a good social networks strategy can be tricky. It requires a lot of time for study, preparation and execution. But in exchange for all this dedication, your business will win in customer service, in repercussion and in popularity. With that, you will increase your income.

With a good strategy in social networks you can get to:

Differentiation: You can get a differential value to your brand, get customers to see in your business that different that does not have your competition.
Credibility: Generating qualified content on your sector your customers will see you as an expert on the subject. In addition, well, you will gain their trust.
Engagement: With content marketing you will have a relationship with your customers, you will go beyond selling, creating a special bond.
Targeted traffic: Social networks allow you to reach various audiences through different paths.

A social media campaign should be well designed and well planned. If it does not, it lose all sense. It’s not about being on social networks simply «because everyone is.» You have to set goals and meet objectives that complement the overall marketing plan.



It is the basic condition of a social media campaign. The common characteristics of the objectives, both in the marketing plan and in social media campaigns, are the following ones:

    Specific. Too general a goal can be confusing when choosing specific strategies. An unspecified objective can lead to confusion when making decisions.
Measurable. If we want to increase the visibility of the company in social networks, it would be a mistake to want to increase it «a lot» because it would not be possible to quantify success. We can mark the goal of wanting to increase visibility 10%, 20%, 50% … and so we can verify the success or failure of the campaign in social media.
Realizable. It is important to be aware of the possibilities of our project over a period of time.
Relevant. The objective must add to the general interests of the company.
Limited in time. We will delimit a period of time that will serve us to verify the success of the main objective.



To do this we must focus on the following keys:

The audience we want to lead. We need to know the target of our campaign in social networks: who will be the target of our messages.
Which social networks will be the most appropriate. Creating profiles in all social networks that we know and launch our campaign in more social media than we can control can lead to a situation of bewilderment. If our audience moves mainly on Facebook, why spend time and resources launching our campaign on Linked-in or Youtube?
What actions will we take. We can use paid advertising (Facebook Ads or Twitter Ads), use a well-structured and segmented content strategy to reach non-intrusive users interested in using a contest. The choice of the most appropriate actions will depend on the objective, the public and the available budget.



Regardless of the objectives pursued by our campaigns in social networks, we have to take advantage of one of the most important advantages of marketing, the ability to optimize our own to improve results.

The key is the choice of appropriate KPIs. If we are wrong to measure, we can not do an efficient optimization. These indicators have to have value by themselves and indicate if the campaign is achieving the expected results.

Everything is capable of being improved at all times. We should not be afraid to change some aspects of our campaign if our previous analysis has not been rigorous enough to yield reliable data. We may not have adjusted the message well, we have not chosen the most appropriate medium, or simply something is working very well and we must strengthen it.



The last step is to check the operation of our strategy with the calculation through which we will know the profitability of our campaign in social networks. Depending on the interests that move our business, we can talk about several ways to calculate this return but these five are usually the most representative:

Conversions. It is the most basic and fundamental. They do not have to be solely the increase in sales. We can include within the conversions, for example, the registrations (leads) achieved during the campaign, or the interaction of the user with some place of our site that we can monetize.
Web traffic. This is a fundamental metric, because increasing traffic will also increase the chances of conversion.
Increase of the community in social networks. It should be borne in mind that good segmentation can mean the difference between an increase of uninterested supporters and an increase in quality followers (which will multiply the profitability of our work in social networks).
Interactions with brand profiles. Let us not forget that interaction is the great engine of social networks and that is the basis of engagement. Increasing interaction in social networks should always be a priority within the tasks of the community manager.
Scope. How many users have we managed to reach with our social media campaigns? Have we achieved the expected range? Quantifying the reach of our campaigns in social media is fundamental to analyze the visibility achieved and the number of users we have managed to reach.


Soñadora e idealista pero con los pies en el suelo y con una visión muy clara de la realidad. Quizás sea toda una paradoja en sí misma que traduce en una insana curiosidad por todo lo que la rodea.

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