The term is on the lips of many, but there are still those who have some doubts about what an e-commerce consulting is and what its functions are. What is clear is that online sales only work if applied from professional knowledge, applying the necessary techniques and tools to make it truly effective. And this is the exclusive task of an e-commerce consultancy, which helps businesses or companies to redefine their strategies, adapting them to specific circumstances.

For this, it is necessary to start from a detailed analysis of the business and its competition, to assess the possibilities of online sales. There are many factors that intervene in the strategy to be drawn, such as positioning, bandring, sales channels, etc. Once established, adapting them to the characteristics and needs of the business, monitoring and maintenance of the same is required, a task, once again, of an e-commerce consulting.

It is common for many eCommerce to fail in trying to build a solid and effective strategy that translates to online sales. That is why it is essential to have the support of a Barcelona ecommerce agency such as Somos Sinapsis, which we put all their knowledge and experience about the digital medium at the disposal of the client’s project.

Teaming up with an eCommerce agency

Teamwork, which is the philosophy on which the ecommerce agency Somos Sinapsis is based, allows a joint study of the project with a broader vision. The goal is to get the client to go as far as possible, something that is very difficult for him to achieve if he tries to do it alone. Teaming up even with the client himself encourages maximum involvement in his project, getting to know him more deeply and capturing all the nuances and needs.

From there, and from that real involvement, an e-commerce consultancy such as Somos Sinapsis can prepare a previous report identifying the real situation of the business and the best strategy to follow. This will include the definition of assumable objectives, the sales channels and their interrelation, the identification of possible failures and the clarification of the main challenges to be overcome.

Each project requires a strategy to be followed that must be perfectly defined and continuously supervised, to verify that the main challenges of the project are met in the estimated times. This entails, in addition to supervision, the breakdown of tasks to be carried out, which can often be varied to adapt to the needs of the moment, since they can fluctuate.

Why a consultancy like Somos Sinapsis?

The agency Somos Sinapsis was born in 2013, a time of crisis for many that, however, was not an obstacle for the agency to take deep roots. As a result, it has not stopped growing since then, earning the trust of customers who need to develop their business using the internet as the main channel.

The objective of the Ecommerce agency Somos Sinapsis is to offer a profitable and tailored service, capable of generating a measurable return on investment. They analyze in detail the needs of the project, from the business point of view, preparing the strategy, and designing tools tailored to specific needs. From there, they are in charge of executing the tactic with a view to achieving the objectives set.

Planning, execution and management of a project, as well as providing clients with the necessary knowledge if they want to execute it themselves, making their staff profitable, is what summarizes Somos Sinapsis. And all this based on teamwork, which is revealed as the most efficient structure to achieve any objective.

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