Blog sobre negocios y emprededuría


A web may be corporate, promotional, can be a personal blog or an online store can be, but they all have something in common. In all, its design is a key to attract and trap the user side. Somos Sinapsis is an online marketing agency, leading web design in Barcelona we will talk just how important is the design: from the text to the structure, through the colors and menus all count on your page.


But let that be the experts of web design in Barcelona of Sinapsis which us speak of them factors to have in has in the design of your web page:



If the content of your website is useful and interesting to have more users accessing it. You must focus on what can be of interest to your audience, not you. A visitor to your site is not going to care that you’re a collector of empty bottles. Search and give specific content.

If the content of your page is really good and attractive, quality content, you managed to retain your users on your site longer. Make your site a reference.



Navigation of your website must be clear and simple. Your users must reach the information they seek in a couple of clicks. Do not make me have to return to the home page to jump from one section to another.

The key to this is a good menu navigation. You must have a link to each of the sections and subsections of your site. You can ride this menu with javascript with a frame rate or placing in all the HTML pages that bar. Another good option is the hamburger menus, so fashionable today.

You should also observe the data traffic of your website and provide access to the least visited sections. You can also include links to other parts of your site from the most viewed pages.



A well structured website will allow users to find all content easily and clearly. It is important that you plan the structure before you start. For this you can use from a sheet of paper to a specialized program.

It is the content of your website which will condition its structure. Sometimes a hierarchical structure, other a linear relationship of all documents will be required. Divide your site into several sections and put them in the corresponding pages. A user comes to your site looking for a solution to the point you want to go.




Your users can get to your site from any browser (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, etc.), using a screen of any resolution and on any device. Keep this in mind when designing your page, you must be visible from any support. Your page should be responsive.



Your site should be a pleasant place. Some soft to the eye and a few well placed graphics colors can make a user select your page and not the competition.

If you use a background image, try not bother reading and not be distracted. also looks after the colors of text and background. Looking for maximum contrast.

If you have to highlight something you can use some animated graphics, but better be discreet. Avoid, as far as possible, the edges on the boards. A very fragmented page looks bad. If using edges, try to be discreet and only the essential.



A website requires maintenance work. Make sure that everything works well and improve their functions: update lists of links, delete ‘links’ dead, improve the ratio of page visit, etc.

Nicola Picasso, padre y marido enamorado es un apasionado del deporte, especialmente del trail running. Atleta X-Bionic, Tailwind Trailblazer y Bamboolabs Ambassador, ha hecho de su afición por correr toda una aventura que trasciende las redes sociales.

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