Blog sobre negocios y emprededuría


When you are creating an online business, one of the first doubts that you pose when launching yourself to the adventure of ecommerce is: Do I build a pre-designed online store or is it better to rely on custom ecommerce development? And it is a basic decision because, in many ways, it will mark the present and the future of your business.

Although, of course, the answer has many nuances. In fact, it is worth assessing the type of business you have in mind, what type of customers you are targeting, what your cost will be and what time is expected to make a profit.

Custom ecommerce development or pre-designed online store? It is difficult to make a decision.



There are two ways to create a pre-designed online store. One, the fastest and easiest, is hiring its service in companies like 1 & 1, Arsys, Shopify, which provide ecommerce software that is divided into different tranches according to the cost and the concrete solutions that they bring to the business. The second is, for example, setting up the store from a WordPress blog with a plugin from Woo Commerce but require something more work.

Hiring your online store in a predesigned templates service gives you a number of advantages: the main ones, speed and a lower initial cost of investment.

What will you find? Small or slightly larger catalogs, functions to add products and create product cards without complications, support of the hosting service itself, integrated payment solutions, added modules also pre-designed that are incorporated into the monthly cost facilitating integration … They are great advantages if you What you need is to go out and bandage now. But at the cost of losing a lot of management skills and possibilities to adapt the software to future needs. Because if, in the future (and surely that is what you want), your business grows, surely the plans offered by your pre-designed templates service will not adapt to what you need, having to change platforms with the risk for sales that that supposes.



Well, before we talk about advantages, let’s talk about disadvantages. Custom ecommerce development has two handicaps: obviously, its cost will be higher; And, unfortunately, you will not be able to start sales until the project is fully developed, tested and insured. But in return, you will get many other advantages:

To start, it will give you a solution with a shopping experience completely adapted to your product. That means, of course, that the store will be completely personalized with your brand image and will not be a clone of the template service anymore.

In addition, they are solutions with guarantee of future, so that if it is needed of future implementations will be much simpler than to go to module predesigned.

Also important is the advantage you get in terms of organic positioning (SEO) as well as direct search marketing (SEM).

And also, with the custom ecommerce development you can position your brand and get an advantage over your competitors.


Nicola Picasso, padre y marido enamorado es un apasionado del deporte, especialmente del trail running. Atleta X-Bionic, Tailwind Trailblazer y Bamboolabs Ambassador, ha hecho de su afición por correr toda una aventura que trasciende las redes sociales.

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