According to the Theory of Communication, digital communication is one that transmits information through symbols. In recent years, more than 80% of communication has gone digital.

We still keep coming letters and brochures, even some conventional phones are used. But even in these cases, most of the process is already digital. First the computer science and after Internet have spread, spread and, in a way, imposed, a format with which we can communicate of faster and comfortable form: the digital communication.




Digital communication is a phenomenon that has hit very hard in our daily lives. It has emerged as an inevitable consequence of the new technologies that are introduced in a vertiginous and relentless way in the world of social communication.

And it is inevitable. This novel form of communication gives the user many new opportunities that he did not have before. It offers you tools not only to express yourself in writing, but also allows you to use images, videos, voice recordings, animations, hyperlinks, emails, blogs, among others; To express your thoughts and ideas.

Digital communication also gives us infinite sources of research: from fast search engines to editable sources, without forgetting the social networks, tools of immediate and constant updating that allow the user to connect with other people and learn about the latest events.




Digital communication also involves interaction and collaboration between all the people who use and who are interconnected in the network.

With digital communication we have reached previously unthinkable peaks: real-time interaction between two people regardless of their spatial location; The transfer of what was once known as a large office to a small space that only requires a computer connected to the Internet; Tools for the audience to value, comment or manifest about our messages (surveys, forums, rebuttals published at the foot of the same article).

On the other hand, it is clear that without the collaboration, the web could be considered a dead space. A site comes alive and unfolds, as users begin to intervene, ask, respond and even denounce the subject matter.


digital communication


Digital communication is characterized by a changing environment, alive and in continuous evolution that requires the active intervention of the user. Just a decade ago, its maximum performance was limited to the static web environment. The information was concentrated in the sites where it remained fixed until a new update, if this came to occur.

Instead, the digital environment has evolved, technology has humanized communication, providing it with greater interactivity within an accessible environment through ergonomic and universal extensions such as tablets, smartphones or Smart TV.

First were the web pages, then came the social networks, then the touch screens. Digital communication never stops evolving.


If you need some help in digital communication, meet Somos Sinapsis.

En su segunda juventud ha descubierto la pasión de escribir. Cuando no se pierde entre fantasías futuristas y pesadillas infernales se dedica a divagar sobre cualquier tema que llame su atención. ¡Todo lo parece interesante! Y es que un escritor puede encontrar la inspiración en las fuentes más inesperadas...