SAAS, soluciones en la previsión de energía

Avances en la capacidad de previsión de la demanda de energía. Por ley, todos los clientes residenciales de energía en España deben instalar un medidor inteligente en 2018. La conversión producirá grandes cantidades de utilidades de datos puede utilizar para mejorar la eficiencia energética. E.ON España, que suministra servicios de electricidad, gas y eficiencia energética a más de 650.000 clientes, ha elegido la tecnología de predicción del líder de Business Analytics de SAS para predecir la demanda a corto, mediano y energía a largo plazo para la toma de decisiones del mercado. Será un gran avance en el campo de las soluciones de previsión de energía. SAS Energía Forecasting cumplió todas las necesidades técnicas y funcionales de E.ON España, además de ser […]

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Energy forecasting solutions: SAS

Ability to Forecast Demand Will Advance Energy Efficiency Efforts By law, all residential energy customers in Spain must install a smart meter by 2018. The conversion will produce massive amounts of data utilities can use to improve energy efficiency. E.ON Spain, which supplies electricity, gas and energy efficiency services to more than 650,000 customers, has chosen forecasting technology from business analytics leader SAS to predict short-, medium- and long-term energy demand for marketplace decision making. It will be a major breakthrough in the field of energy forecasting solutions. SAS Energy Forecasting met all of E.ON Spain’s technical and functional needs, in addition to being compatible with existing infrastructure. SAS will allow E.ON Spain to produce accurate, scalable and repeatable consumption […]

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The contribution of hydropower varies in its sole discretion, although they are among the plants that can further lower the receipt. The dams built in the second half of the twentieth century are more central role in the adjustment of electricity prices in a liberalized market as the twenty-first century. Although these facilities do not represent the greatest source of light -raro production is the month in which contribute 15% of the system-, market performance and the ability of the companies that manage them have become a strategic tool to bring energy prices, which citizens realize when they get the electricity bill. The more rainfall is recorded, the higher the level of the reservoirs, the better the conditions for turbines […]

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The network is like a dream that opens up a world of possibilities. We nuestronegocio and stretches before us an almost infinite universe to expand and think that, sure of ourselves that all we need is that the applied nephew of a friend makes us the website. And we expect rain the job! There may be more benevolent alternative worlds with suckers that things do work in this way. In ours, it is a tad more bastard, things are a little more difficult. SEO Barcelona. It is that customers are not going to find on the internet as well as by infused knowledge. Prospective customers have the bad habit of using search engines. As you can imagine, business like yours, […]

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wind forecasting

In recent years, wind energy has been the fastest growing technology. In the case of Spain, it is the second technology that has more installed capacity, covering 16.4% of electricity demand. Likewise, it has become the third largest contributor to the technology behind the system combined cycles and nuclear. In the year 2010 1.516 MW installed wind power, with a power that raises the total in the country to 20,676 MW, confirming Spain as the fourth largest wind power. However, this amount of installed wind power capacity can have negative effects on the electrical system, and can worsen as you increase the penetration of these systems into the national grid. The main problem is that wind power can not be […]

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La importancia del posicionamiento web

La red es como un sueño que nos abre todo un mundo de posibilidades. Tenemos nuestronegocio y ante nosotros se extiende un universo casi infinito hacia el que expandirnos y pensamos, seguros de nosotros mismos, que lo único que necesitamos, es que el sobrino aplicado de un amigo nos haga la página web. ¡Y a esperar que nos llueva el trabajo! Posiblemente haya mundos alternativos mucho más benévolos con los pardillos en que las cosas sí funcionen de esta forma. En el nuestro, que es un pelín más cabroncete, las cosas son un poco más difíciles. Posicionamiento web Barcelona. Resulta que los clientes no te van a encontrar en internet así como así, como por ciencia infusa. Los posibles clientes tienen la mala costumbre de hacer […]

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Energy demand

Energy demand in the peninsula in November was estimated at 19,834 GWh, 0.2% higher than in the same month last year. Taking into account calendar effects and temperatures, the peninsular electricity demand grew 1.3% compared to November 2014. In the first eleven months of the year, energy demand is estimated at 226,992 GWh, 2.1% more than in the same period of 2014. After correcting the influence of timing and temperatures, demand for electricity is 1.4% higher than in the previous year. With provisional data by day 30, the production of wind power has reached the 3,708 GWh in November, value 26.9% lower than in the same month last year, and assumed 18.9% of total production. On November 21 a new maximum […]

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