Con la compra online podemos comprar lo que deseemos, cuando y donde deseemos. Pero si estás pendiente del envío de un paquete internacional lo que no sabes es que es un proceso que se puede complicar mucho. Si el envío de tu paquete posee valor comercial y procede de países no pertenecientes a la Unión Europea estará sujeto a la realización de trámites aduaneros. Lo que significa que pueden existir impuestos arancelarios y no hay una tasa fija. Es un proceso complejo y lo mejor es ponerse en manos de una agencia de aduanas o de un agente de aduanas. Una agencia o un agente de aduanas hará tu despacho de aduana resolverá todos los inconvenientes que surjan en la […]

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With online shopping you can buy what they want, when and where they want. But if you are pending an international package shipping what youdon’t know is that it is a process that can be much complicated. If sending your package has commercial value and comes from countries outside the European Union will be subject to the completion of customs formalities. Which means that there can be no tariff tax and a fixed rate. It is a complex process and it is best to get in the hands of a customs agency or a customs agent. An agency or a customs agent customs clearance will solve your all problems arising in receipt of your package. They managed his office in […]

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What is an SEM agency?

The simple fact that your business has a presence on the internet will not represent an increase in sales if you do not prepare proper marketing strategy. You must ensure that customers find in the vast jungle that is the World Wide Web. One of the most practical ways is to make your website stand out in Google and it will need the services of a SEM Agency. Thanks to the study of online marketing, SEM Agency can put your business in the first results of major search engines, getting your products reach your customers much more quickly and effectively. What is SEM? SEM is an acronym for Search Engine Marketing and refers to the possibility of creating ad campaigns […]

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¿Qué es una agencia SEM?

El simple hecho de que tu negocio tenga presencia en internet no va a representar un aumento de ventas si no preparas una estrategia de marketing adecuada. Debes conseguir que los clientes te encuentren en esa vasta selva que es la Red mundial. Uno de los medios más prácticos es hacer que tu web destaque en Google y para ello necesitarás los servicios de una Agencia SEM. Gracias al estudio del marketing online, una Agencia SEM puede situar tu negocio en los primeros resultados de los motores de los principales buscadores, consiguiendo que tus productos lleguen a tus clientes de una manera mucho más rápida y efectiva. ¿Qué es el SEM? SEM es el acrónimo de Search Engine Marketing y […]

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Electricity price forecasting in Europe

The electricity price forecasting according to a report of the European Union on energy and greenhouse gases expected to continue rising until 2020, due to investments being made in renewable energy and the rise in the price of fossil fuels. According to the electricity price forecasting is expected to, thereafter, these investments begin to bear revenues and lower electricity price. It also provides for the report to significantly reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, although well below the targets set by the EU itself. The changes being experienced by the power generation sector require a large investment in capital intensive, and investments in transmission and distribution systems. This will have an upward effect on prices of electricity and energy system costs […]

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Despachos de paquetería y despachos de efectos personales

Realizar envíos dentro de la Unión Europea es algo relativamente sencillo. Sin embargo, cuando el origen o el destino están fuera de las fronteras comunitarias puede no resultar tan fácil. La diferencia más importante es la gestión aduanera que precisa de la intervención de un especialista. En este caso, la clave es el despacho de paquetería y el despacho de efectos personales. Y para realizar todos estos trámites necesitaremos un despacho de aduanas, especialistas en importación y exportación. Son los que nos asesorarán y nos prepararán los documentos necesarios para nuestro despacho de paquetería o nuestro despacho de efectos personales, según el envío que deseemos realizar. Para garantizar la correcta gestión del envío es muy importante contratar una despacho de […]

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Parcel shipments and shipments of personal effects

To ship within the European Union is relatively simple. However, when the origin or destination is outside the EU’s borders may not be so easy. The most important difference is that the customs administration needs the intervention of a specialist. In this case, the key is the office parcel and the dispatch of personal effects. And for all these procedures we need a customs clearance, import and export specialists. They are those who advise us and we will prepare the necessary documents to our office or our office parcel personal effects, according to the shipping we want to perform. To ensure proper management of shipping is very important to hire a customs clearance, an accredited professional company for whom the […]

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Tres Consejos para hacer negocios en China

Existe un viejo dicho: “Quien no oye consejos, no llega a viejo”, y esto también aplica para la longevidad y prosperidad de las empresas, y es que cada vez es más difícil encontrar profesionales, que nos orienten en nuestras relaciones de negocios con compañías chinas, que trabajen con gente nativa bilingüe y que nos apoyen en decir fiablemente nuestras ideas, al tiempo que, estén al tanto y nos orienten de las diferencias culturales entre nuestra cultura y la china. Sin buscar generar estereotipos, ya que China es prácticamente un subcontinente y cada región tiene sus particularidades, costumbres y maneras de hacer negocios, tres recomendaciones generales de expertos en negocios para la gente que hacemos negocios en china son: La manera […]

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Three Tips for doing business in China

There is an old saying: «Whoever does not hear advice not get old,» and this also applies to the longevity and prosperity of businesses, and that it is increasingly difficult to find professionals to guide us in our business relationships with Chinese companies, working with bilingual native people and support us in reliably say our ideas while, we are aware and guide of cultural differences between our culture and Chinese. Without seeking to generate stereotypes, as China is virtually a subcontinent and each region has its own characteristics, customs and ways of doing business, three general recommendations of experts in business for people who do business in China are: The correct way to greet Chinese Although we must clarify that […]

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Growth in energy demand to slow

Global energy demand grew only 1 percent in 2015. In BP’s latest “Statistical Review of World Energy,” the company found that global primary energy consumption grew by only 1 percent last year. That rate was similar to the growth rate seen in 2014 and significantly lowers than the ten-year average of 1.9 percent. Analyzing year 2015 According to BP, the slowdown was tied to slowing consumption growth in China. In 2015, China posted its slowest rate of energy consumption growth in 20 years, although it still remained the world’s largest growth market for energy demand for a fifteenth consecutive year. BP CEO Bob Dudley said that the energy industry is “seeing a gradual deceleration in global energy consumption as the […]

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